Makey Makey

In CSAI class we did a project called a Makey Makey Interactive Story. It was Challenging, yet fun! The most challenging part was the code, you need the right sprites and the right back-rounds! I learn’t that coding isn’t as easy as I thought it would be. The steps to create this were: 1) Make a picture for you interactive story. 2) Make the code on Scratch. 3) Connect the wires from the Makey Makey kit and Plug in the USB cord into your computer and then all the alligator clips to your picture. 4) Enjoy your work and show all of your friends!

In Order for the Makey Makey To work you need to touch the metal part of the alligator clips so your story on Scratch can move! Here is My Makey Makey Code! I am really proud that it actually worked!

Makey Makey Beginning

In CSAI we are doing a pretty hard project. (Well it’s hard for me..) It’s hard because it involves wires and connecting stuff. Then we have to draw a pictures to connect the wires from the Makey- Makey kit to our drawing. Then we have to connect the USB cord to our computer from the kit. After that, you code on scratch. then you put it all together and it might be super cool! I am still working on finishing up the drawing part and starting the coding part. I will make another post about how my project turns out to in the end! See you then!

All About Me Collages

In class, we had to do another project about us.. But we did not animate our names. In fact we had to do a project where we showed or listed 5 fun facts about us.

For this project, I wanted a theme, so my theme was Superheros. I created a game and I got to learn about lots of coding blocks. Like: Repeat until, If or Else, and so much more! The link to the project is posted below. You can see the amount of code there is for the 5 minute game! I feel this was a lot of work but in the end, it was worth it.

Over the weekend I figured out that all the code I did the past week was WRONG. So I had to redo it! Overall it took 7 hours! 4 hours on Saturday and 3 hours on Sunday! I really hope you enjoy the questions and clues for the game! click HERE to play the game.


About Me

Hello, I am Ksheera (K-silent) from Quest Academy and I am in 5th grade. I really love art, math, music, science and poetry. I am currently working on a poetry book with my friend.

I also really like CSAI( Computer Science Artificial Intelligence). In CSAI you can do experiments and try new things. I sometimes feel like there are no limits to make things better in coding. I am going to be blogging and posting all the things I work on in CSAI over here.